Putty ssh login on rasberry pi simplified to the max

This howto describes how to simplify the login to your rasbbery pis. It certainly makes sense if might have more than x – which is in case by me now a two digit letter 🙂

Download putty package https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

ssh-keygen to generate a keypair

Save private key using filename-ssh-private-key.ppk. Dont forget the ending.

Double klick on filename-ssh-private-key.ppk to enable it in pageant.

Either setup rasberry pi with ssh open or login using pi and password once :

pi@pitft2:~ $ mkdir .ssh
pi@pitft2:~ $ touch .ssh/authorized_keys

The bold part is copied and paste from the first puttgen window. (Mark it using mouse, Use Windows CTRL-C, then right click in putty to paste it)

pi@pitft2:~ $ echo „ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCReIKSp7pmf5vrAr+gKrGuJznLLnJAL5Il5drVTUCMfcb1j0HkMjbzEt1XxfIfD3NXKzwpeTzK65VG0+P/GaG/RnWb+DI/19VSLabCQqMylrm5s6yM9Uq5gGLKrA+fUx+ANBlkRfOUqDx7MpXRHd0tPFCCf6DIgPaHPm9HxtkHlfzncipkoUsPI8pLi1f3VQ1k7USFj9ukiBbt14HSSKS69QsQWM5Dz+iTWdfka6RvAQqCayrRUSzIZ3GsTLoyNqH0LRsenTVGi8WameLeki5uA0/FsvfxwtwE2fphc8WhD7ze/O53H6hsqgk4UtHK22RsX4M3fxr1UsUiEM3VcE35 rsa-key-20211107“ > .ssh/authorized_keys

pi@pitft2:~ $ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Try login with a second putty instance using pi : Tada 🙂

Setup pi as username in putty :

Save this into the session by going back to profile and pressing on safe

Process is now simplified: Klick on windows on your new private key file (dont share it !) to enabled pagent once per session. Then klick on putty profile once to get a login per any instance. Couldnt be easier and more secure:)

One step further :

Right click on desktop, create a new shortlink :

Edit the shortcut and add

-ssh pi@network-ip

to the profile

Apply, test.

Its now a „one shot“ issue. Klick on the profile link to get a dedicated session. You might share the session files in your local NAS – they only show the IP and network structure, they do not allow the login because they dont have credentials in them.